The Digital Turn in Architecture: 1992-2012

264 pp.
6.6 x 9.6 in
ISBN: 8816403241
A selection of articles and essays on digital design and digital theory published by Architectural Design (AD) from 1992 to 2012. Includes seminal texts by Bernard Cache, Peter Eisenman, John Frazer, Charles Jencks, Greg Lynn, Achim Menges and Patrik Schumacher; features key works by FOA, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ali Rahim, Lars Spuybroek/NOX, Kas Oosterhuis, SHoP, and others. Mario Carpo provides an overview of the recent recent rise to pre-eminence of computer-based design and production in his comprehensive introductory essay and in his commentary to each original text.
The Digital Turn in Architecture, 1992-2012. An AD Reader. Chicester: Wiley, 2012.